Sunday 8 February 2009

Lib Dem support goes up, Labour support goes down!

Good news in this morning's lastest opinion poll in the Daily Telegraph newspaper.

Labour's support amoungst the masses has fallen to its lowest since Gordon Brown and Alistair Darling's bail-out of the banks.

Whilst at the same time, Liberal Democrat support has shot up from 16% to 22% - showing that more people are turning to the Lib Dems for real solutions to the financial mess we are in.

People just don't trust this government anymore. They were elected in 1997 on the promise of real change and a fairer society. But look what's happened - the gap between rich and poor is now wider than it was under Thatcher and Brown has allowed rich cats in the City of London to pay, proportionally, less tax than every one else.

Let's hope at the next General Election people really tell Labour what they think of them.

To read today's article in the Daily Telegraph visit:

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