Sunday, 21 September 2008

Lib Dems and the media

It's always encouraging to see the Lib Dems doing well in the polls.... but that's what we always see after the Party Conference!

All year round the two bigger parties do well (perhaps with the exception of Labour in this instance) because the media always gives them attention and is intrigued about 'What has David Cameron had for breakfast?' or 'Where is Gordon Brown going on his holiday?'

I am convinced that if the media gave all three parties the same attention and coverage all year round the Lib Dems would always be showing at (the least) 25% in the polls.

Unfortunately I could not make the Party Conference in Bournmouth this year but I have heard it was one of the best. We have a fantastic Leader in Nick Clegg and our new plans to cut income tax from 20% to 16% really will help those on middle and low incomes (who Labour have negleted for so long).

Our message is simple - we want to tax pollution, not people! All we need now is the media is to give us and our ideas more air-time.

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