Sunday, 19 October 2008

Conservatives and the Church

Both joining the Liberal Democrats and becoming a Christian happened around the same time in my life. It was a time when I started to see a lot of social injustice around me and at the age of 17 I wanted to play my part in trying to make the society in which I lived a better place.

For me, Christian values and principles and a desire to see a more liberal democratic society go hand in hand. Both advocate a more fairer society where the less well off have more opportunities and both believe in fighting for and defending the underdog. I also see Jesus, in his ministry, as a radical liberal. He sought to challenge the establishment and questioned the conservative status-quo of doing things.

As a political party, the Liberal Democrats have a strong Christian influence within it and currently 25% of the Party's MPs are active in their local Church.

I believe that there is a roll for Christians in each political party - promoting Christian values and working along side others.

No political party should falsely boast a greater 'right' to have Christians within it or claim that it's policies and ideas are more 'christian' than anothers.

I am writing this because over the past 12 months I have found an increasing intolerance from conservatives in the Church - particularly it's more evangelical forms. Some Evangelical's find it difficult to believe that a Christian can support something other than the Conservative Party. They believe that the Conservative Party is more 'closer' to the ideas of God, biblical teaching and thus all Christians must support it.

I find this view not just 'tunnel-visioned' but actually quite insulting. I believe, as Liberal Democrat Councillor, I have been able to practice Christianity and promote it's values in the area I represent. I treat everyone the same (just like Jesus did), I activity campaign for a better deal for those that do not have it (like Jesus did) and I believe in the 'specialness' of all people (as Jesus did).

The next time a conservative in the Church seeks to unfairly challenge my liberal demoratic views I will fervantly yet quietly remind them it is 'their' Conservative Party that supported an illegal war in Iraq killing thousands of innocent people.

I guess you could say it works both ways really doesn't it?

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